Ciência e Tecnologia: bases para o Desenvolvimento Social

20 a 25 de outubro de 2014

Trabalho 2581

ISSN 2237-9045
Instituição Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Nível Graduação
Modalidade Pesquisa
Área de conhecimento Ciências Agrárias
Área temática Agroindústria, processamento e armazenamento
Setor Departamento de Engenharia Florestal
Bolsa CNPq
Conclusão de bolsa Não
Apoio financeiro CNPq
Primeiro autor Diogo Sena Baiero
Outros membros Frederico Pozenato Moreira de Oliveira, João Ramyller Sanderval de Oliveira Almeida, Jomar Silva Magalhães, Wagner Davel Canal
Título West Australian’s Attitude Towards Livestock Welfare
Resumo Animals are used worldwide mainly to provide food and nutrition to humans. However, there is an increasing concern related to how these animals are being treated through the productive livestock chain. Animal welfare considers a ‘whole-of- life’ concept. It includes what occurs before death, how animals are treated through the last part of their lives, the pre-slaughter period, and finally the method by that they are killed. This work has reviewed animal welfare in Western Australia state and has critically assessed a livestock welfare article in terms of literature review, paper summary and future directions on animal welfare. Improvement in animal welfare still need some level of improvement. Animal welfare is reported as the most emotive consumer issue that surrounds the consumption of meat products. With changing attitudes to animal welfare, consumers expect the treatment and attention of food animals to be of a high standard within the livestock industries. This concern for animal welfare may influence consumers’ product choices and consequently create market demand. In order to meet community expectations, research on community attitudes to animals will give livestock industries a chance to know what the community expect. Thus, results may show if there is a lack of understanding about animal production issues in the community. Important points to improve the welfare of livestock are being developed. Promoting public awareness on animal welfare though education can have a significant impact on the public’s perception of animal welfare and husbandry practices. In addition, continuing research of the community is essential in order to know what consumers’ attitudes and expectations are toward animal welfare. Lastly, research is also required to know how economic factors can affect purchasing patterns, which will help direct the implementation of schemes effectively. Industry goals to meet community expectations and understand what the community want in terms of animal welfare. Hence, a well-prepared industry also consider the welfare aspect to better meet the consumer expectations. This work was supported by the CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - Brazil. Acknowledgement: Professor Dr. Sue Low - Department of Environment and Agriculture - Curtin University of Technology.
Palavras-chave Animal treatment, Consumers behaviour, Public`s perception
Forma de apresentação..... Painel
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